
John Hall

Complaints Officer

07441 910 897


We are your first port of call for any queries or concerns, including complaints. We will handle these complaints in line with our complaints process.

Phone:07441 910 897


Need to discuss a query, concern, or complaint?

Please contact John Hall our Complaints Officer: 

Our complaints handling process

Step 1: Initiate the Complaint

1. Complaint Submission: The first step in making a complaint about any aspect of our financial product or service is to complete our complaints form. You can find the complaints form at the bottom of this page. This form will help us understand the nature of your concern, allowing us to take steps to resolve the issue.

2. Prompt Acknowledgment: Upon submitting your complaint, you will receive acknowledgment via email within 24 hours of us receiving the complaint. This will confirm the complaint is being considered and advise when to expect a response. We aim to resolve the complaint within three business days.

Step 2: Investigation and Resolution

Your complaint will be assigned to a dedicated case handler who will be responsible for investigating and resolving the issue. Our team will thoroughly investigate your complaint competently, diligently, and impartially, obtaining additional information as necessary.

After the investigation concludes, you will receive a final response, which may include one of the following outcomes:

  1. Acceptance of the complaint, accompanied by appropriate redress or remedial action, if deemed necessary.
  2. Offer of redress or remedial action, without accepting the complaint.
  3. Rejection of the complaint, along with detailed reasons for the decision. 

Response Times: We aim to resolve the complaint within three business days. 

On occasion where escalation is necessary, the resolution timeline may extend to 15 business days from the receipt of the complaint.

In exceptional circumstances, where we are unable to issue a final response within 15 business days of receipt of the complaint, we have up to a maximum 35 business days from the date of receipt to issue a final response.

In these circumstances, we will issue a holding response to you within the 15 business days to update you. 

The holding response will include:

1. The reasons for the delay in answering the complaint; and

2. A deadline which we aim to issue a final response within. This deadline will not be later than 35 business days after the date the complaint was received.

If a complaint needs to escalate or falls under exceptional circumstances, you will be notified by the Complaints Team.

Step 3: Unsatisfied with Our Response

If you are not satisfied with our final response or resolution, you have the option to escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

Step 4: Escalating to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

To make a complaint with the FOS, click here:

FOS Process: The Financial Ombudsman Service will independently review your complaint and provide a final decision. 

We work with e-money and payments institution partners in providing you with our service, namely Currencycloud and Sciopay. Currencycloud and Sciopay ultimately provide you with functionally limited elements of regulated payments and e-money services in the UK. These partners have certain obligations as regulated financial services institutions, including around complaints. We keep them informed of the complaints we receive from you regarding the regulated payments and e-money services they ultimately provide to you. They oversee how we handle complaints to ensure we do this to the standard required under the regulations.

However, if for any reason your complaint regarding your payments and e-money services has not been acknowledged or dealt with by us, or if you have concerns about the way, it has been handled, Currencycloud’ s complaints information can be found here: and Sciopay’ s complaints information can be found here:

Complaint Contact Form

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